Gadaa Bank Written Exam Result 2024

Gadaa Bank Written Exam Result Announcement For Management Trainee, Trainee Banker and IT Trainee Positios.

Position:1. Management Trainee
Position:2. Trainee Banker
Position:3. IT Trainee
Dear Candidates,

This is to inform you that, the result of written exam for Management Trainee, Trainee Banker and IT Trainee positions, which was conducted by Addis Ababa University School of Commerce on February 24, 2024, have attached here below. Based on exam result, the cutoff point shall be decided and the top scored candidates will be invited for interview session in near future.

Check Result From Below PDF Document By Download

Written_Exam_Result_Mgt_Trainee_Bank_Trainee__IT_Trainee (1)

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