Abyssinia Bank S.C invites competent and qualified applicants for the following job positions.
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Our mission is to help people get jobs. We work towards improving the recruitment journey through daily job posts. We create a collaborative workplace that strives to create the best experience for job seeker
1: Junior IT Officer
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education: BSC Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information System, Electrical and Computer Engineering or other related fields.
- Experience: Minimum of 2 years cognate banking experience.
The job objective is Perform preventive and corrective maintenance, participating in major corrective maintenance & repair activities for IT and related equipment’s; and prepares specification, participate in evaluation and inspection of IT and related equipment’s.
Place of Work: Hawassa District
2: Office Equipment Technician
Skills Competencies &Educational background
- Education: Diploma or TVET Level IV in Computer Science, Electricity, Electronics or related fields.
- Experience: Minimum of 3 years cognate experience. Experience in banking industry is advantageous.
The Job Objective is To perform preventive and minor corrective maintenance, participating in major corrective maintenance & repair activities for Office equipments; and prepares specification and participate in evaluation and inspection of Office equipments.
Place of Work: Hawassa District
3: Cash Office Attendant
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education: 12th/10th Grade Complete
- Experience: Minimum of 2 year cognate banking experience.
Place of Work: Dire Dawa District
4: Driver I
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education: 12th/10th Grade complete; and Public I or Third level Driving License
- Experience: Minimum of 2 years driving experience. Experience in banking industry is advantageous
መልካም የሆነ የአሽከርካሪ ስነ ምግባር በመላበስ ለስራ ወደተለያዩ ስፍራዎች የሚንቀሳቀሱ የባንኩን ሰራተኞች ወይም ዕቃ/ንብረት ከቦታ ቦታ ማጓጓዝና በኃላፊነት የተሰጠውን ተሽከርካሪ በአግባቡ እና በጥንያቄ በመያዝ ተገቢውን አገልግሎት መስጠት ይሆናል፡፡
Place of work: Dire Dawa District, Hawassa District
5: Banking Business Officer
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education:- BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Economics or other business related fields.
- Experience:- Minimum of 2 years banking experience.
Job Objective:
To promote bank products and services, attained customers request and provide efficient and high quality service to customers as per the bank’s policy, procedure, guideline and other pertinent regulation.
Place of Work: Hawassa District
6: Banking Operation Officer
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education:- BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Economics or other business related fields.
- Experience:- Minimum of 2 years banking experience.
Job Objective:
To attain customers request and provide efficient and high quality service or reconciliation book of accounts or checks and control transaction and archiving documents of the branch as per the bank’s policy, procedure, guideline and other pertinent regulation.
Place of Work: Hawassa District
7: Grade I Branch Business Manager
Skills Competencies and Educational background
- Education: MBA/BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Economics or other business related fields.
- Experience: Minimum of 4/6 years banking experience. Experience in supervisory role is advantageous.
Job Objective:
To ensure the effectiveness of the branch sales and marketing activities, mobilization of resources, expansion of branch accessibility through digital banking and efficient and high quality service provision to customers in consistent manner in the branch at all time as per the bank’s policy, procedure, guideline and other pertinent regulation.
Place of Work: Hawassa District,
8: Sub Branch Manager
Skills Competencies & Educational background
- Education: MBA/BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Economics or other business related fields.
Experience: Minimum of 4/6 years banking experience. Experience in supervisory role is advantageous.
Job Objective:
To ensure the overall banking operation activities of the branch perform as per the bank’s policy, procedure, guideline and other pertinent regulation.
Place of Work: Hawassa District,
9: Grade I Branch Manager
Skills Competencies &Educational background
- Education: MA/BA Degree in Accounting, Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance, Economics or other Business Related Field.
- Experience: 6/8 years banking experience, Experience in a supervisory role is advantageous.
Job Objective:
To ensure the overall banking operation activities of the branch perform as per the bank’s policy, procedure, guideline and other pertinent regulation.
Place of Work: Hawassa District,
Deadline: Oct 27, 2022
Application way
After checking the eligibility criteria and prepared all the necessary documents, qualified and eligible applicants apply online through BoA career website: https://fa-enhf-saasfaprod1.fa.ocs.oraclecloud.com/hcmUI/CandidateExperience/en/sites/CX/requisitions
In person or postal application is not accepted,
Ineligible/Unqualified applicants will be automatically rejected,
Applicants are urged to submit only one applications;
Those who submitted multiple applications will be denied.
Any updates will be communicated only through email.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
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Our mission is to help people get jobs. We work towards improving the recruitment journey through daily job posts. We create a collaborative workplace that strives to create the best experience for job seeker